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 kentucky derby
The crowd around the paddock on Derby day was not nearly as bad as a normal year with attendance limited due to covid. There were only 51,838 attending on Derby day while
2019 had 150,729 attending.

2021 Kentucky Derby Miscellaneous Photos

Date: 05/03/2021

The Kentucky Derby returned to its traditional spot on the calendar, the first Saturday in May, after being run Labor Day weekend last year, but more importantly spectators were allowed, but with capacity limited to 51,838, about 1/3 of the usual. Mother Nature also cooperated with sunny conditions and mid 70's temperatures for both the Oaks and the Derby cards.

Here is a selection of photos from Oaks day and Derby day that you may enjoy. Be sure to click the small version to see it full size.

kentucky derby
Tori Kelley sang the National Anthem on Kentucky Derby day. She was a contestant in season 9 of American Idol and season 4 of The Masked Singer.
kentucky derby
Thunderstorm Artis sang the National Anthem on Kentucky Oaks day. He was a finalist in the 2020 season of The Voice.
kentucky derby
A mint julep vendor on Derby day. Usually these are $15 each, but this year they added $300 to each ticket price and included unlimited food and beverage.
kentucky derby
Enjoying a beverage at the rail on Derby day.
kentucky derby
The grandstand on Oaks day with many empty seats. Attendance was limited due to covid with only 41,472 attending on Oaks day. In 2019, Oaks attendance was 105,719.
kentucky derby
People line up near the paddock on Derby day. Most fans were not wearing masks.
kentucky derby
Carrying the Oaks flowers across to the infield winner's circle.
kentucky derby
The Oaks trophy waiting for the winner.
kentucky derby
Carrying the Derby trophy across to the infield winner's circle.
kentucky derby
The blanket of roses on display by the tunnel to the track on Derby day.
kentucky derby
Miss Kentucky in front of the Aristides statue on Derby day.
kentucky derby
Regretting your shoe choice on Derby day.
kentucky derby
Giant rose hat on Oaks day.
kentucky derby
An another giant rose hat from Derby day.
kentucky derby
Interesting hat and beard on Derby day.
kentucky derby
Can your hat be too big?
kentucky derby
Not sure who they are but later in the day they were in the winner's circle after the Derby. Funny masks!
kentucky derby
Checking out the horses in the paddock on Oaks day.
kentucky derby
Even the guys get into the Derby spirit, like with this Derby logo coat lining.
kentucky derby
Patriotic suits at one of the photo op backdrops.
kentucky derby
Everybody wants to pet the pony horses.
kentucky derby
People watching a post parade on Oaks day.
kentucky derby
More Oaks day hats.
kentucky derby
A really large Oaks day hat.

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