Trainer:Todd Pletcher Jockey:Javier Castellano Owner:Repole Stable Foaling Date: 3-29-2008 Pedigree: Bernardini - Marozia by Storm Bird Dosage Profile: 4-6-16-0-0 Dosage Index/CD: 2.25 0.54 2010 Record: 4 Starts: 1 - 2 - 0, $150,000 Best Beyer Figure: 89 Note: Stablemate of Uncle Mo was second in the Hopeful (G1) and then fifth in the BC Juvenile (G1). Made his 3-year-old debut winning the Gotham (G3) the ran poorly in the Florida Derby (G1) on April 3 where he finished 7th. In the Kentucky Derby (G1) he raced in 7th early then tired late to finish 12th beaten 11 1/4 lengths.