Trainer:Steve Asmussen Jockey:Corey Nakatani Owner:Zayat Stables LLC Foaling Date: 2-25-2008 Pedigree: Mineshaft - The Administrator by Afleet Dosage Profile: 12-8-12-0-0 Dosage Index/CD: 4.33 1.00 2010 Record: 1 Starts: 0 - 0 - 0, $2,220 Best Beyer Figure: 99 Note: He broke his maiden in his 3rd try, on February 21 at Oaklawn, and then stepped up to stakes company to finish a close second in the Louisiana Derby (G2) on March 26. Finished 2nd in the Arkansas Derby (G1) on April 16. In the Kentucky Derby (G1) he stalked the pace in 6th, gained a short lead mid stretch but was passed late by Animal Kingdom to finish second beaten 2 3/4 lengths. Skipping the Preakness as of 5/17.