Trainer:Tom Albertrani Jockey:Robby Albarado Owner:West Point Thoroughbreds Foaling Date: 3-02-2008 Pedigree: Badge of Silver - Wise Ending by End Sweep Dosage Profile: 2-0-4-0-0 Dosage Index/CD: 2.00 0.67 2010 Record: 3 Starts: 1 - 0 - 0, $30,390 Best Beyer Figure: 93 Note: He broke his maiden in his third and final start last year at Aqueduct. He won his first start of 2011 in the Tropical Park Derby at Calder then won the Hallandale Beach at Gulfstream, but was disqualified to third for drifting out. Moved over to the "dirt" at Keeneland and finished a fast closing 3rd in the Blue Grass. Didn't have enough earnings for the Derby so waited for the Preakness. Made a mild rally to finish 7th in the Preakness.