Trainer:Bobby Frankel Jockey:Edgar Prado Foaling Date: 4-26-2000 Pedigree: Jules - Hold to Fashion by Hold Your Peace Dosage Profile: 9-6-6-0-1 Dosage Index/CD: 4.50 1.0 2002 Record: 6 starts 3-3-1 $209,990 Note: Finished a game 3rd in the Derby despite everyone doubting he could get the distance. The shorter distance in the Preakness could be just what he wants. Frankel will only send one of Peace Rules or Midas Eyes since they are owed by the same people.
Preakness Contender Analysis - trying to pick a winner by matching the contenders to the profile of a Preakness winner. NEW!
Kentucky Derby Results - New York bred gelding Funny Cide upsets while Frankel's Empire Maker and Peace Rules run second and third. Results, charts, and photos for all the Derby day stakes here.