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Purchase Clip Art CDROM

If you would like to purchase a copy of my clip art and backgrounds on CDROM, the cost is only $20 which includes shipping via mail to anywhere. The CDROM includes all the images from the clip art section of my website and a license to use them anywhere you like in print or online. Also included as a freebie are my horse racing screen savers.

You can pay via check, money order, or Pay Pal. Just fill out the form below and I will email you details on how to pay.

Thank you!


If you don't put your email address, I can't reply to you!

Please put your shipping address and any comments here:

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All clip art and backgrounds on these pages is original and created by me. It is free to use online as long as you credit me and link back to my website. If you would like to use it for in print, I would ask that you purchase a copy on CDROM which includes a license to use for any purpose either online or off.

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